Monday 2 July 2018

Antarctic Adventures

As mentioned previously, the Omega Forum is one of the best on the Internet - largely driven by the high quality of many of the contributors.  This quality was well encapsulated recently by a post linking the Nivada Antarctic model with Shackleton's polar explorations.  O.F. member speedbird illustrated his post with some photographs of his Nivada alongside two superb models he has made, for example:

speedbird's post opens a thread in which several other unusual and attractive Nivadas are seen - well worth a visit to:


  1. My father has a Nivada Antartic but I couldn´t find any similar image when I googled it. I would like to ask if you have any information about this particular model, how could I send you a picture? Thanks in advance for your help.

  2. Thanks for your interest in Nivada. You can send a picture to me at Happy New Year! David.
